Meet Gasiano Gasper

Gasiano Gasper
Gasiano was born on the 3rd of March, 1995. He is in the 8 grade class of Rhotia Primary School in Rhotia, Tanzania.
His father's name is Gasper and his mother's name is Editha. He has 3 brothers. Inocent is 16 yrs old, and he is at Arusha learning driving. Gervas is 13 yrs old, and he is grade 5 at Rhotia Primary School. Denis is 12 yrs old, and he is in grade 3. Gasiano has 1 sister Rozy who is 9 yrs old in grade one.
He lives with his parents, brothers and sister in a home about 4 km from Rhotia Primary school. The family earns its income from a farm about 2 hectacres (about 5 acres), on which they grow maize, beans and peageon nuts. They harvest 8 bags of maize, 3 bags of beans,and 3 bags of peageon nuts. His father has a small business at Rhotia. They sell the maize and use some for food. The income is not enough for paying school fees and other expenses. Gasiano helps on the farm and helps to look after their 5 sheep.
Gasiano is not doing very well, so he dropped out of school but he would like to be a Mechanic.
He would like to take the computer training class, because he would like to learn more about other people and what they do.